Textron Aviation Announces Customer Portal Dashboard

Textron Aviation Announces Customer Portal Dashboard

Textron Aviation recently released the Customer Portal Dashboard (https://ww2.txtav.com/Dashboard). The company says this update allows customers to customize their tools and request access to all aspects of the Customer Portal through one, easy-to-use webpage. The tiled Dashboard includes direct links to Billing Management, Parts & Claims, Program Balances, Service Management, Technical Publications and EProcurement.

Service Management is the new home for all tools previously available at ww2.txtav.com/CustomerSupport/CustomerPortal. These tools include My Fleet, Find a Service Center and Request Aircraft Service. The functionality of these tools has not changed, but the access to them has been redirected to the Service Management tile of the Customer Portal Dashboard.

For any questions regarding the Customer Portal Dashboard, please reach out to the Customer Portal team at customerportal@txtav.com

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