Blog : article

Aviation Business Associations Supporting the Industry

NBAA President Details Items to Strengthen Aviation to Congress The National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) President and CEO Ed Bolen recently detailed for Congress a policy roadmap for strengthening the general aviation sector in the U.S. and around the world, today and in the years to come. In testimony before the U.S. House Committee on…

King Air Crossfeed Basics

King Air Crossfeed Basics

My aim in writing this article is not to present anything new but rather to simply review some of the fuel system information that you should have already received. I am sure the fuel system was covered extensively in your initial King Air training course and, if you have been flying King Airs for a…

Elliott Aviation PDK Now Authorized Garmin Dealer

Elliott Aviation LLC recently announced their fourth MRO location at Dekalb-Peachtree Airport (PDK) in Atlanta, Georgia, is now an authorized Garmin dealer. The company said they “look forward to meeting more operators’ needs by offering an additional location for installations and upgrades.”  As an authorized Garmin dealer location, Elliott Aviation of Atlanta will now be…

Yingling Aviation Now Authorized IS&S Autothrottle Installation Center and Dealer

Yingling Aviation in Wichita, Kansas, is now an authorized installation center and dealer for Innovative Solutions & Support (IS&S) ThrustSense Autothrottle systems. It’s a sought-after option that adds safety and convenience for King Air owners and operators. ThrustSense is the first full regime autothrottle system approved for the Beechcraft King Air B200 and B300 models.…

Overdue Honors

Overdue Honors

Over the years there has been talk about needing a Beechcraft King Air Hall of Fame to honor those who developed the world’s bestselling business turboprop and those who continue to support the legion of passionate pilots and operators. King Air B200 owner John Glidewell made it a reality by persisting and convincing King Air…

The King Air Gathering 2022 at the Beechcraft Heritage Museum

The King Air Gathering 2022 at the Beechcraft Heritage Museum

To appreciate this story, I need to share some background information. In 2016 Ron McAlister, Tom Clements, Jack Braly and I were standing outside of one of the hangars at the Beech Heritage Museum (BHM). During conversation, Ron expressed he had always wanted to have a large King Air fly-in but we were unsure of…

Get the Most Out  of Your Tires

Get the Most Out of Your Tires

Quality Counts  Sticker shock is rampant these days, and aircraft tires are no exception. Ten years ago, the list price on four main tires for a King Air 200 with standard gear ran $2,900 – now it’s $4,000. I am speaking specifically about Goodyear tires, which have always been my preference because they last longer…

Oh No! Not the Secondary Low Pitch Stop!

Oh No! Not the Secondary Low Pitch Stop!

You younger men and women flying King Airs are lucky: You never had to learn the Secondary Low Pitch Stop (SLPS) system. This hard-to-understand and accident-prone system is a very important necessity on King Airs powered by the PT6A-20 engine, only. That covers all the A90, B90 and early C90 models. But – and here’s…

New Garmin Pilot Update Adds New Graphical Taxiway and Apron NOTAMs

Garmin recently announced that the latest update (v10.7) for Garmin Pilot is now available. Among many new features, the latest update now graphically displays taxiway and apron closures on the dynamic map – as well as SafeTaxi diagrams.  Other highlights of the 10.7 update:  Dynamic map enhancements: The dynamic map has been optimized to change…

Paradise Found – Vacation home contractor builds perfect King Air

Paradise Found – Vacation home contractor builds perfect King Air

He’s only had use of FL-586 for six months, but Ben Giles is certain he’s found paradise in the form of an airplane: a 2008 Beechcraft King Air 350 he purchased in 2020 and had extensively refurbished and upgraded at Textron Aviation’s Indianapolis Service Center. “This is the aircraft we will keep forever, or as…