Blog : article

Pilot Proficient Releases Pro Line Fusion Pilot Familiarization Course

Pilot Proficient, LLC, an online aviation training site, recently released a Pro Line Fusion Pilot Familiarization Course – a video-based training program designed to help familiarize transitioning pilots with the Fusion system, either prior to flying in a Fusion-equipped airplane or attending a formal training event. The training focuses on demonstrating the actual techniques and…

Garmin Announces Virtual Learning Format through June 2021

Garmin® is pleased to announce its pilot training opportunities through June 2021 will be transitioning to an entirely virtual learning format. This new format will allow customers to receive valuable product knowledge without concerns over travel and social distancing. A variety of pilot training opportunities are available ranging from Garmin pilot’s guides, PC trainers, eLearning…

NBAA Announces First Virtual Trade Show, “VBACE”

The National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) announced the first-ever, completely immersive online business aviation trade show, the Virtual Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (VBACE), scheduled for Dec. 2-3. The two-day event is free for members to attend and will incorporate many of the traditional elements of NBAA’s successful live events, including virtual exhibit booths, keynote…

LifeSave(r)- King Air Proves to be a Perfect Patient Transport Aircraft

LifeSave(r)- King Air Proves to be a Perfect Patient Transport Aircraft

The altimeter climbed through 1,000 feet as the aircraft began a controlled turn to the left. The back of the aircraft, which once held an executive interior, has been replaced with a myriad of medical devices and purpose kept seats. Passengers now include medical professionals and a patient on a gurney connected to tubes and…

King Air Community Loses Fellow Owner, Visionary,  Avid Flyer … Friend

King Air Community Loses Fellow Owner, Visionary, Avid Flyer … Friend

On August 20, King Air Academy Founder Ron McCalister was killed when his 1984 King Air B200 crashed while trying to depart Rockford, Illinois (RFD). He was the only one on board. Ron had dreamed of becoming a pilot since his youth and loved to tell the story about just how committed he was to…

Your Most Dangerous Flight You Must Trust but Verify

Over the last several years of watching King Air pilots in both their aircraft and in the simulator, it is obvious that they typically have developed their own cockpit flows and use of checklists. As Tom Clements has outlined time and time again, when you are new to flying a King Air, the checklist should…

Preflight Procedures from a Maintenance Perspective

For many years I maintained a B200 owned by a family business that had used the same pilot for years. He had flown for the airlines and was a decent guy, but every time he picked up the King Air after maintenance, he pulled the door shut, started the engines and took off without even…

Where’s Your Right  Hand at Rotation?

Where’s Your Right Hand at Rotation?

As I write this near the end of August 2020, the “ADS Crash” thread on the BeechTalk forum is approaching 100 pages. As most of you know, in June 2019 a tragic accident occurred  at Addison airport (KADS) in Dallas, Texas. A nearly new King Air 350i departing on a flight to Florida, crashed into…

Stearman’s Last Stand – The “Cloudboy”

Stearman’s Last Stand – The “Cloudboy”

In 1930 America’s economy was in a tailspin when the Stearman Aircraft Company introduced the Model 6 biplane – a rugged design but one that found few commercial buyers and was rejected by the military as a primary trainer.  The “Roarin’ Twenties” had been good to Wichita’s airframe manufacturers. In 1928, for example, the city’s…

NBAA GO Sessions to Offer Best Practices for Aviation Tax & Transactions

The National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) recently announced an informative series of upcoming NBAA GO virtual professional development seminars addressing common questions and concerns surrounding aircraft transactions, ownership structures and taxation, including the ramifications from COVID-19 pandemic. Beginning Tuesday, Oct. 13, the Virtual Aviation Tax & Transactions Review will encompass a series of three live…