From Service Letter MTL-25-01: Equipment/Furnishings – MedAire Aircraft First Aid Kits with Medication Subject to Recall Notice Date: Nov. 5, 2019 Effectivity: Super King Air B200GT, Serial Numbers BY-278 thru BY-358; Super King Air B300C, Serial Numbers FM-69 thru FM-80; Super King Air B300, Serial Numbers FL-996, FL-1007, FL-1030, FL-1037, FL-1083 thru FL-1196; King Air…

Seeing Things from a Higher Perspective – Zeusch Aviation Finding Broad Versatility with the King Air
Editor’s Note: One of the newest King Air operators in Europe is also one of the most dynamic and ambitious. Managing Director Herman van Kranenburg wants Zeusch Aviation to become the largest King Air operator in Europe, summarizing he said, “As long as we have enough business, we will buy extra King Airs.” Guy Warner…

King Air Gathering IV From a First-timer’s Perspective
It was with great interest that I attended King Air Gathering IV, hosted by the King Air Academy in September at Fredericksburg, Texas. As an active, general aviation instructor and FAA Designated Pilot Examiner, I usually get to be the trainer instead of the trainee, so this was going to be of particular pleasure for…
Exploring the Limits of Flying Under Part 91
When you were a kid, or maybe even later in life, someone you trusted probably cautioned you about opportunities that look too good to be true; sometimes they are. That kind of advice usually focused on promised riches in exchange for relatively innocent commitments of time or resources. As pilots and aircraft owners, we’re way…
Takeoff OAT Restrictions
At the fourth King Air Gathering – KAG IV, the sold-out event held in September 2019, at the classic Hangar Hotel complex at the Fredericksburg, Texas airport (T82) – a question was asked about engine ice vane usage on the ground. Specifically, a concern was expressed about a temperature restriction stated in the Pilot’s Operating…

Econo-Jet – the Model 73
Beech Aircraft Corporation’s Jet Mentor was built on a tight budget and performed well but lost its bid to be the U.S. Air Force’s first turbine-powered basic trainer to crosstown rival Cessna Aircraft Company’s Model 318. During the early 1950s, excitement about the “Dawn of the Jet Age” was capturing the imagination of the American…
Technical Review Webinar Session Scheduled for King Air models
Textron Aviation is inviting King Air owners to a LIVE Tech Session with your aircraft experts. The King Air session is scheduled for Wednesday, Nov. 13, 9-10 a.m. (CST). The company states that during the session they will update customers regarding current and pending field programs as well as, discuss service and maintenance issues. This…
Hartzell and Raisbeck Team Up to Provide 5-blade Composite Prop for KA200 Fleet
Hartzell Propeller Inc. and Raisbeck Engineering recently debuted a 5-blade composite swept prop, designed and manufactured by Hartzell specifically for the King Air 200, B200 and B200GT aircraft and STC’d and distributed by Raisbeck Engineering. This new propeller system is the first five-blade structural composite propeller certified on the King Air 200 series and is…
Garmin adds G1000 NXi upgrade for the King Air C90
Garmin International, Inc. recently announced certification of the G1000® NXi integrated flight deck upgrade for the King Air C90. With the G1000 NXi, aircraft owners and operators receive a wealth of new features, innovative capabilities and added utility all within a modern flight deck. King Air C90 owners and operators can easily upgrade from the…
G1000 Level-D Sim for King Air 350 and 200 Added at FlyRight
FlyRight, a North Carolina-based, leading provider of professional, full-motion simulation-based, pilot training services, is expanding its King Air training programs to include G1000 avionics. Initial, recurrent and custom training courses will be provided in FlyRight’s new full-motion Level-D King Air 350/200 G1000 simulator. The new simulator, manufactured by ASE, is convertible between a King Air…