Blog : article

Value Added: Raisbeck’s EPIC Platinum Performance and Swept Blade Propellers now available for King Air 250

Raisbeck Engineering has announced that King Air 250 operators can now enjoy the increased takeoff, climb, cruise and landing performance available only through its EPIC Platinum Performance Package. The FAA-certified short field performance allows safe access to thousands more airports around the world, all while retaining the increased MMO. An additional capability with the EPIC…

They Wanted Wings

They Wanted Wings

When two teenage boys and a college girl yearned to fly, Walter H. Beech gave them the opportunity to “learn the business” and make their dream come true Walter H. Beech is remembered world-wide for the airplanes that bear his name. In addition, his skills as a pilot made him a household name during the…

Ask the Expert: Is My Gear Down?

Ask the Expert: Is My Gear Down?

Well of course it is! “Three Green, No Red;” I’m good to land. And so you are. You have verified that the individual green gear down lights are illuminated and the two lights in the landing gear handle with the red lenses are both extinguished. You have proper confirmation that your gear is safe for…

Pilot Speak: Balancing Your Backups, Part 2

Pilot Speak: Balancing Your Backups, Part 2

In Part 1, the article left off with GPS failures that would affect both primary and secondary GPS units (such as failures related to shared antennas, identical software bugs, satellite outages, or the loss of shared power sources or cooling equipment). In such cases, being able to revert to “old school” forms of navigation can…

Better Late than Never

Better Late than Never

Marc Schupan discovers the benefits of bizav The only regret Marc Schupan has about owning a 1985 Beechcraft King Air C90A is that he didn’t discover the value of business aviation earlier and begin reaping the rewards the King Air has brought to his business and life. “We started using the King Air four or…


Another Point Regarding King Air Phase Inspections I read Dean Benedict’s excellent article regarding King Air inspections featured in the August 2016 issue of King Air magazine. I wanted to add to his information, something I have experienced with some King Air operators that have limited knowledge of our inspection program. One of the stipulations,…

Making the Move

Making the Move

CSI Aviation, long-time management and logistics firm, starts Part 135 operation with King Airs Pick an airframe – from a Boeing 737 to a Cessna 172 – and it’s likely CSI Aviation, Inc. has experience with it during the company’s 37 years as an aviation management and logistics company serving government and civilian customers. When…

Pilot Speak: Balancing Your Backups

Pilot Speak: Balancing Your Backups

[Author’s Note: This two-part series will discuss a variety of navigation system failures and abnormalities, with ideas for training and handling them. While this installment will deal primarily with management of GPS abnormalities, the next installment will focus on the utilization of other navigation systems in GPS failure situations.] It was a blustery spring afternoon…

Maintenance Tip: Inspections – A Phase is not an Annual

Any time an aircraft broker calls me about a pre-buy inspection and asks, “How much would an annual cost for a King Air?”, it makes me wonder if this is their first shot at selling one. A few months ago, I was invited to speak at the local Flight Standards District Office (FSDO) for their…

Aviation Issues: Latest Aviation News

Aviation Issues: Latest Aviation News

Congress Passes FAA Funding Extension The House and Senate passed legislation extending funding for the FAA through September 30, 2017, as Congress continues to debate a full FAA reauthorization bill. The extension bill, which was signed into law by President Obama on July 15, includes several priorities advocated for by the general aviation community, while…