Blog : article

Value Added: Android and iOS Enhancements from Garmin Pilot

Garmin is pleased to announce an updated version of the Garmin Pilot app for both Android and iOS versions. The Android updates include integration with the new GTX 345 ADS-B In/Out transponder, as well as additional trip planning enhancements and more. Regardless of existing avionics configuration, the new GTX 345 ADS-B In/Out transponder pairs with…

Technically – King Air Communiqué 2016-03

Issued: March 2016 ATA 05 – Flammable-Liquid-Carrying Hoses Replacement Clarification All The King Air Inspection Program calls for the flammable-liquid-carrying hoses in the engine compartment to be replaced every five years. The Inspection Guide clarifies which hoses are to be replaced by stating: “Beechcraft Corporation-supplied hoses only.” The intent of this statement is to differentiate the…

Technically… From King Air Communiqué 2015-8

Issued: December 2015 ATA 04 – King Air Special Purpose Aircraft – Wing Life Evaluation All The King Air was designed and certified as an executive transport airplane. This means that the King Air was designed to carry passengers from point A to point B by taking off, ascending to a comfortable cruising altitude (generally…

Value Added

Raisbeck Announces Special Pricing & Expanded Combo Options Raisbeck Engineering released 2016 pricing for its product offerings for the entire line of King Air models. New and more deeply discounted combination packages are also being offered. The company announced three important elements: 1) 2015 prices for individual systems have generally been extended through 2016. 2) Combination…

Air Capital of the World: Travel Air Days

Air Capital of the World: Travel Air Days

In the wake of E.M. Laird’s departure from Wichita, Walter H. Beech, Lloyd C. Stearman and Clyde V. Cessna joined forces to create the city’s first major airframe manufacturer – the Travel Air Company When Billy Burke resigned from the E.M. Laird Company Partnership in 1920, Matty Laird lost a key mediator between himself and…

Ask the Expert: Propeller Speed in Climb, Cruise and Descent

This week I flew with an owner-pilot of a beautiful, late-model King Air 300, doing a bit of in-aircraft recurrent training. He mentioned that when he received his Initial training in this plane a few years ago the instructor emphasized, often and forcefully, that the propeller speed must be reduced back to 1,500 RPM (from…

Aviation Issues: NTSB Announces Most Wanted List for 2016

The National Transportation and Safety Board (NTSB) recently named its Most Wanted List for this year. This list, published every year, “highlights safety issues identified from the NTSB’s accident investigations to increase awareness about the issues and promote recommended safety solutions.” All modes of transportation are included in the study to create the list and some of the points crossover…

Maintenance Tip: Wing Bolts

Maintenance Tip: Wing Bolts

Thirty-six years ago, this very month, every King Air 200 in existence was grounded by an emergency Airworthiness Directive (AD) on wing bolts. Back then, ADs were sent through the mail. This one had a really short window for compliance; by the time it was received by owners, they had to act very fast if…

Nostalgic Flair

Nostalgic Flair

EC Source Aviation builds flight department with distinctive aircraft Just a few months after taking a chief pilot position flying helicopters for EC Source, Tim Brown was promoted to director of aviation. This new title meant that not only would he fly the aircraft in support of the construction of new power lines, he also would…