Registration is now open for King Air Gathering 2023 being held at the World Golf Village (WGV) in St. Augustine, Florida, Wednesday, April 12 through Friday, April 14. It is expected to be a sold-out event, so register soon!
After flying into Jacksonville Executive (Craig) Airport (KCRG) in Jacksonville, complimentary transportation will take attendees to the WGV. Shuttles will run 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 11 and 8:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. Wednesday, April 12. After the Gathering, complimentary transportation will be provided back to KCRG Saturday, April 15 from 7 to 11 a.m.
Special pricing on rooms is being offered for King Air Gathering attendees. To book your room online there is a link on the KAG website. If you’d rather make the reservations by telephone, call (904) 940-8000 and use code “KINGAIR” to receive the special rate.

Featured speakers at the King Air Gathering include:
Brian Shul, SLED Driver – Brian has a phenomenal comeback story from laying near dead in the jungle of Southeast Asia during the Vietnam conflict to later flying the SR-71, the world’s fastest, highest flying jet. After 20 years and 5,000 hours in fighter jets, he retired and went on to pursue his writing and photographic interests and has written five books, all aviation related.
Erik Eliel, Founder/President of Radar Training International – Erik will be presenting a KAG Radar Course which has been added Wednesday, April 12, for an extra fee. His seminars have been presented to professional pilots representing the flight departments of Fortune 500 companies, aviation associations, a major airline and the military, as well as dispatchers and meteorologists of aviation-related companies. He has also been called on by manufacturers of airborne weather radar systems to consult in the design, operation and evaluation of their systems.
Dr. Quay Snyder, President/CEO of Aviation Medicine Advisory Service – Dr. Snyder holds board certification in aerospace medicine, addiction medicine, family practice and occupational medicine and provides medical certification and aviation safety guidance for pilot and air traffic controller unions, as well as business and general aviation pilots. He is also very active in many aviation safety committees and organizations and is a Gold Seal CFI, a DPE and FAA Safety Team representative.
Tom Clements, Flight Review Inc. and King Air Expert – Tom has been flying and instructing in King Airs for over 50 years, starting at the Beechcraft factory. He is a Gold Seal CFI and has over 23,000 total hours, with more than 15,000 in King Airs and serves as the Director of Training for the King Air Academy. He is also author of “The King Air Book,” “The King Air Book II” and the monthly “Ask the Expert” column in this magazine.
Dr. Scott Dennstaedt, Founder of Aviation Weather Workshops –
Dr. Dennstaedt combined his meteorology training and love of aviation and created Aviation Weather Workshops to teach pilots at all experience levels how to minimize their exposure to adverse weather. He also recently created EZWxBrief, a progressive web app, and co-authored the weather book “Pilot Weather: From solo to the airlines.” He is a commercial pilot with instrument rating and has been a CFI for over 20 years.
Peter Basile, Senior Air Safety Investigator at Textron Aviation – Peter has participated as an NTSB party member on over 180 accident investigations ranging from the Cessna 140 and Beechcraft Musketeer to current production King Airs and Citation business jets. He instructs at the DOT Transportation Safety institute and NTSB academy, as well as presents safety information to various pilot associations. He holds a Master of Science in aviation safety, is a private pilot with an instrument rating and an A&P mechanic with inspection authorization.
Dean Benedict, BeechMedic LLC – Dean is a certified A&P/IA with over 45 years of maintaining King Airs. He’s the founder and former owner of Honest Air Inc., a maintenance shop that specialized in Beech aircraft with an emphasis on King Airs. Currently, with BeechMedic LLC, Dean consults with King Air owners, operators and maintenance shops on all things pertaining to King Air maintenance. This includes troubleshooting, pre-buys and maintenance management. Dean also writes the “Maintenance Tip” articles for this magazine.
There will also be breakout sessions for operations and maintenance and avionics and engines, so attendees can get more specific information regarding their individual King Air models.
This year KAG will also feature a variety of activities for spouses/companions, so be sure to check out more details when you register.
More event information can be found at: www.kingairnation/gathering. You can also go to, where there is detailed instructions on how to register.
Don’t miss the opportunity to join with other King Air owners and pilots while educating yourself about all things King Air. Make plans now to attend King Air Gathering 2023, April 12-14.