Registration is now open for King Air Gathering IV held Sept. 26-29, 2019. The King Air Academy had a vision for the gathering as a way to bring King Air owners and pilots together with experts in the industry and leading King Air vendors to offer a personal experience with the King Air community. Being an attendee of the first three Gatherings, I must say that the knowledge gained and experience in meeting a variety of King Air owners, pilots and experts just keeps getting better!

Due to popular demand and the uniqueness of being able to be up close to all the King Airs parked on the ramp at the last King Air Gathering (KAG), the next event will again be held at the Hangar Hotel Conference Center located right on Gillespie County Airport (T82) at Fredericksburg, Texas.
If you choose to do so, hotel rooms will be available at the Hangar Hotel, which is uniquely designed as a World War II hangar and a 1940’s theme of that time. The Hotel features airplane memorabilia, model airplanes and USO history, and is located adjacent to the airport. New this year, KAG attendees flying in to T82 have first rights on rooms at the Hangar Hotel. Other hotel options are also available and provided on the KAG website at
A change in the agenda will feature the cocktail reception Thursday night, Sept. 26, for all in the King Air community attending can get to know each other before the seminars start Friday morning, Sept. 27. King Air experts will present on hot topics all day Friday and Saturday morning. Saturday afternoon will highlight one of the most requested presenters at each Gathering, Dr. David Strahle, who will be offering an in-depth weather course.
At press time, a detailed agenda and keynote speakers had not been released.
Once again attendance numbers are limited to allow a more personal connection to the presenters and King Air vendors who will be highlighting their King Air products and services.
For more updated information and to register, go to

Sponsors of KAG IV
Blackhawk Modifications
Textron Aviation
Bendix King
Covington Aircraft
Davis Aviation
King Air Academy
Lee Aerospace
Luma Technologies
Pratt & Whitney
Raisbeck Engineering
Standard Aero
Stevens Aerospace and Defense Systems
Trace Aviation
FreeFlight Systems
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