Technically… Beechcraft “How To” Videos Now Available on YouTube

Technically… Beechcraft “How To” Videos Now Available on YouTube

Technically… Beechcraft “How To” Videos Now Available on YouTube

From Model Communiqué # KA-2014-03 issued in November 2014:

ATA 99 – Beechcraft “How To” Videos Now Available on YouTube

All Beechcraft & Hawker Models
Textron Aviation is pleased to announce the inclusion of Beechcraft and Hawker models in a series of “how to” videos available on YouTube. This growing list of videos will be located on the Beechcraft YouTube website at:
The videos can be used as a visual reference in addition to the normal steps and procedures found in many service documents and maintenance manuals. Feedback is welcome and video suggestions can be directed to individual Beech or Hawker Technical Support team member(s).
Watch for Quick Response (QR) codes too. Instructional videos are being produced for many service documents. The QR code example below provides a path to a video about the FAA Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum Approval Process that was posted on the Beechcraft YouTube channel in September 2014:
QR codes can be scanned so the viewer can play the video either on or near the airplane with a smart phone or similar device as long as a wireless source is available.
For questions or additional information, please contact:
Hawker or Beechcraft Technical Support Hotline:
1.316.676-3140 (Direct)

 Service Bulletins

There have been no Service Bulletins issued since the last issue of King Air magazine.
The above information is abbreviated for space purposes.
For the entire communication, go to

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