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Medical Coverage and Your Aircraft Policy

Medical Coverage and Your Aircraft Policy

Winter is upon us. If you live in the Snow Belt, it’s likely you have the shovels and snow blowers out of storage. We all want to keep our sidewalks and driveways clear of ice and snow for our safety, as well as for those who may visit. This same desire holds true for the…

Aviation Insurance: Liability Rising – Use of Another Aircraft

Aviation Insurance: Liability Rising – Use of Another Aircraft

Have you ever allowed someone else to use your King Air or have you used an airplane you don’t own? If you are like many individuals or companies, you have “non-owned exposure.” If you are a larger company, you likely have non-owned exposures you don’t even know about. Every time you let someone use your…

Aviation Insurance – Airplanes, Cars, and Tugs do Collide … so Who Pays?

Aviation Insurance – Airplanes, Cars, and Tugs do Collide … so Who Pays?

The crew of a King Air 350 arrived at their destination, met with the professional ground crew and advised them they would be there overnight. The FBO asked if they’d like to have the aircraft put in the hangar for the night, but the crew, knowing the pleasant forecast for the evening and morning declined,…