Let’s see a show of hands: How many of you have experienced an honest-to-goodness engine fire in a King Air? As I expected, no hands are up. How about an honest-to-goodness engine failure, such as a main bearing going bad, or the RGB (Reduction Gearbox) uncoupling, or the high-pressure, engine-driven fuel pump failing, or an…
Automatic and Manual Prop Heat
The King Air model 200 was the first of the King Airs to have both an automatic and manual mode of propeller de-ice. All previous King Air models offered only the automatic system. The purpose of this article is to describe the system differences and to provide some insight into their use. All King Air…

Windmilling Airstarts
I recently had a conversation with a representative of one of the propeller manufacturers and it became apparent that he had a couple of misconceptions about the behavior of the King Air propeller both during in-flight shutdowns and airstarts. That prompted me to write this article in an attempt to provide clarification. As we have…

Feathering’s Effect on ITT
When conducting the run-up propeller feathering check, have you noticed what happens to ITT? Of course, most of our attention is directed to the propeller tachometers, as it should be, making sure they decrease rapidly and significantly. Some pilots conduct the check just as they were taught in the Seneca or Travel Air or Duchess…

Old Stories
I thought you might enjoy reading about some memories I have of a couple of events in my life … tied to King Airs, of course! I think it was 1974; I was in my third year as a ground and flight instructor at the Beechcraft Training Center in Wichita and the center’s manager, Don…

King Air Crossfeed Basics
My aim in writing this article is not to present anything new but rather to simply review some of the fuel system information that you should have already received. I am sure the fuel system was covered extensively in your initial King Air training course and, if you have been flying King Airs for a…

Oh No! Not the Secondary Low Pitch Stop!
You younger men and women flying King Airs are lucky: You never had to learn the Secondary Low Pitch Stop (SLPS) system. This hard-to-understand and accident-prone system is a very important necessity on King Airs powered by the PT6A-20 engine, only. That covers all the A90, B90 and early C90 models. But – and here’s…

B100 Review and Commentary
Author’s Note: The following article comes from a chapter in “The King Air Book, Volume I.” It has been abbreviated and simplified here to appeal to more King Air operators. The King Air B100 model is unique, as most of our readers know, in that it is the only production model in the King Air…

My Golden Anniversary
I began as an instructor at the Beechcraft Training Center on Jan. 3, 1972. If anyone had told me then that I would still be teaching King Air pilots in 2022, I would have thought they were crazy, but so it is. To steal a line from “Saturday Night Live:” “King Airs been very, very…

Why Do the Ailerons Have a “Lump”?
As the picture above shows, the ailerons on the King Air 200- and 300-series models include a pronounced lump on their trailing edges. The official name for the lump is “Trailing Edge Bulge” but, to me, they are simply “lumps.” The ailerons on other King Air models don’t have the lump. Presenting the reason why…