Issued: March 2017 ATA 00 – Contacting Technical Support Textron Aviation Technical Support is here to provide technical assistance to owner/operators either by phone or email and sometimes even in person. In order for Technical Support to do this job effectively and accurately, some basic information will be required before the issue is brought to…
Service Bulletin 34-4170: Navigation – Fusion Equipped King Air 200/300 Electronic Standby Instrument System (ESIS) – Magnetometer Relocation Kit Issued: March 2017 Effectivity: Super King Air Model B200GT, Serial Numbers BY-207, BY-239, BY-250 thru BY-291; Super King Air Model B200CGT, Serial Number BZ-1; Super King Air Model B300, Serial Numbers FL-954, FL-1010, FL-1031 thru FL-1093;…
Technically: From Communiqué #ME-TP-001: Multi-Engine Turboprop Communiqué
Issued: February 2017 ATA 00 – General Introduction Beechcraft and Hawker customers will notice a change in the formatting and document numbering of Model Communiqués. In an effort to streamline the brands, Textron Aviation is changing the airplane specific Model Communiqués to a broader grouping. For example, the previous King Air Model Communiqués are now…
Technically: Service Bulletings
Service Bulletin 34-4150: Navigation – Introduction of Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast Out (ADB-B Out) Installation Kit Issued: December 2016 Effectivity: King Air B200 (Super King Air), Serial Numbers BB-1769, BB-1834, BB-1843 and after; B200C (Super King Air), Serial Numbers BL-148 and after; B200GT (Super King Air), Serial Numbers BY-1 thru BY-206, BY-208 thru BY-238, and BY-240…
Technically: Service Bulletins
Service Bulletin 27-3459, Rev. 2: Flight Controls – Flight Control (Gust) Lock Inspection/Replacement Issued (Original): September 2002 Revision: November 2016 Synopsis of Change: This Service Bulletin has been revised to further define the Compliance period, correct and add flight control (gust) lock part numbers, and reflect the latest change in the publications table. No further…
Technically… Service Bulletins
Service Bulletin 27-3459 Rev 1: Flight Controls – Flight Control (Gust) Lock Inspection/Replacement Issued (Original): September 2002 Revision: November 2016 Synopsis of Change: This Service Bulletin has been revised to add ending serial effectivity. The first paragraph of the Description statement has been moved to the Reason statement. The Material Information table has been revised…
Technically: From King Air Communiqué 2016-09
Issued: August 2016 ATA 25 − Passenger Seat Arm Rest Repairs/Toilet Seat Frame Repairs B200, 300, B300 The passenger seat arm rests for Beechcraft King Air Models B200, 300, and B300 may be susceptible to breaking when they are used for purposes other than what they were designed. Arm rests were not intended to be…
Technically: Service Bulletin 21-4165: Air Conditioning – Duct Plug Inspection
Issued: August 2016 Compliance – Recommended: This Service Bulletin should be accomplished at a scheduled maintenance period or inspection. NOTE: This Service Bulletin may be completed at a time when Left and Right Passenger Compartment Cabin Window Panels are removed to facilitate other maintenance such as at the first Cross Tie Inspection at 2500 cycles.…

Service Bulletins Service Bulletin 34-4163: Navigation – Static System Improvement Issued: June 2016 Effectivity: Model King Air C90GTi, serial numbers LJ-1847, LJ-1848, LJ-1853 through LJ-2059, LJ-2061 through LJ-2126. Compliance – Recommended: This service bulletin should be accomplished at a scheduled maintenance period or inspection. A service bulletin published by Textron Aviation may be recorded as completed…
Technically: King Air Customer Service Letter #CSL-KA 2016-01
Issued: May 11, 2016 Re: Updated Integrated Modular Avionics Configuration Index Table (ICIT) file for Fusion Equipped King Airs Serial Numbers Listed Below King Air aircraft outfitted with Rockwell Collins Fusion avionics have experienced occasional OMST file corruptions at power up. When this file corruption occurred, it caused a configuration fault at the next power…