Page 8 - April 23
P. 8

  “If you want to challenge the extremes of the world, you can’t do better than to be in a King Air!”
 and winds that curtailed my range. A winter crossing will almost assuredly have curve balls.
Don’t even think of completing a crossing by yourself the first time; the NAT must be respected. Although the mighty King Air is easily my favorite steed to handle the extremes of the NAT. I’ve been at FL350 over the NAT with OATs nearing -60C˚, and the King Air 350 kept me toasty warm. I’ve flown into non-forecasted severe turbulence coming into Narsarsuaq, Greenland (BGBW), and I was glad to be in an overbuilt King Air. If you want to challenge the extremes of the world, you can’t do better than to be in a King Air!
Nine: Bayou Self
The Army has the High Altitude Training School (HATS) at Eagle, Colorado. Many years ago I attended that school in a Blackhawk helicopter and we went to the top of many peaks in Colorado, learning to maximize the performance of the helicopter. One of those peaks is a high flat top of a spire barely big enough to land a Blackhawk. That peak, soaring hundreds of feet above the surrounding terrain, was named “Bayou Self” because you felt “all by yourself” if you landed there. It is a cool feeling. The NAT is the same way. There are parts of the flight where you simply cannot talk to anyone, where you are Bayou Self. That creates both a sinking feeling and an opportunity for those that like to “get away.” I’m one of the latter. Flying in a remote area is one thing, but there are places where the word “remote” doesn’t suffice. If you fly the NAT, assuredly there will be times when you are Bayou Self.
Eight: The Beauty of Greenland
I’ve been fortunate to see many parts of the world and the beauty of Greenland stands out amongst them all. Whether clothed in the white of winter or the icebergs of summer, Greenland is stunning and the immensity of the Greenland Icepack cannot be overstated. I’m awestruck every time it comes into view.
APRIL 2023

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