Page 8 - August 2015 Volume 9, Number 8
P. 8
Two Beech T-34 Mentors resting after an afternoon mission, as a light fog rolls into Tullahoma, Tennessee, home of the Beechcraft Heritage Museum. (MUSEUM PHOTOGRAPHER BOB BURNS)
Stephen Pfister located the plane’s wreckage where it had been buried and began the reconstruction effort. The Staggerwing Museum Foundation purchased the aircraft, completed its restoration and dedicated NC499N in honor of Pfister in 1990. Known as Staggerwing No. 1, the aircraft resides in the Walter H. Beech Hangar with other Staggerwing and Travel Air planes.
Beech Party Fly-In
The invite reads: “Whether you are a passionate aviator, an enamored enthusiast or own any brand of aircraft, please come to Tullahoma on the third week of October. You will find all ages of aircraft, from vintage biplanes through modern turboprops, and everything in between. Last year’s gathering brought in over 125 airplanes, including a variety of Beechcraft treasures along with many other shapes, sizes and classic flying machines.”
The annual Beech Party is Oct. 14-18 on the grounds of the museum, which you can fly into and park your airplane 100 feet from the entrance. McNabb estimates that 500 guests attended last year.
This year’s theme is Women in Aviation, and special guest Fran Bera is scheduled to attend. Bera is an International Pioneer Hall of Famer and a seven-time winner of the All Women Transcontinental Air Race/ Powder Puff Derby.
Beech Party is a chance to spend quality time in the air (about 9,000 gallons of fuel were pumped at THA last year), as well as attend exhibits and educational seminars from industry leading companies, respected restorers and knowledgeable technicians. Tom Clements is returning by popular demand to share his King Air expertise and provide a personal book signing. Sarasota Avionics is conducting a hands-on Garmin seminar. Former Beechcraft executive Jack Braly will present a special program on the design, production and flying of the Starship.