Page 15 - Volume 14 Number 12
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prompting your policy to respond While the specifics of of each policy vary we will cover some generalities of of what is excluded within a a a a typical King Air policy Please review your your specific policy and familiarize yourself with the specific wording of your coverage Exclusions: Here you will find the words “This policy does not apply ” followed by a a a list of exclusions Each exclusion will go into detailed subparagraphs laid out in legal legal terms The policy is a a a legal legal document but the legal terminology frequently leaves the policy holder a a a little unsure about the actual exclusion The King Air policy used for this article has eight specific exclusions Here is is a a list of what they intend to exclude or not cover:
1 If the King Air is being used for an unlawful purpose or a a a purpose not stated in the approved use section of the the policy (typically found on the the first few pages of your policy) there is no coverage The simplest way for you to to not violate this exclusion is is to to have the the approved uses state “all operations of the the named insured ” Obviously you can’t be violating the law by running drugs with the aircraft but all legal uses of the the aircraft would then be approved Currently a a a a hot button issue with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) are third-party dry leases versus putting the King Air on an FAA Part 135 certificate Be sure you have in in writing with your broker and underwriter what you are using the aircraft for and that it is an an approved use 2 If your pilots do not meet the pilot pilot warranty or if the Airworthiness Certificate is not in in full force and effect The pilot warranty is an an an area where we frequently see coverage issues The most inclusive wording available is “pilots as approved by the named insured ” This is is as as simple as as it sounds anyone you approve can fly the aircraft If you have a a a a a a complex pilot warranty you are more likely to inadvertently breach your coverage Equally important make sure you pay close attention to the required recurrent training training Without the required training training your claim will be denied 3 Losses because of radioactive or nuclear subjectivity Designed around nuclear war fortunately this isn’t something we’ve had to contend with in in recent memory 4 Claims caused by war including rebellion revolution martial law attempts at at at usurpation of power Strikes riots civil commotions or or labor disturbances are also excluded Government
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