Page 23 - Dec 2022
P. 23

    “In 2019 U.S. tourists visiting Canada reached 25 million and Canadians took 44 million trips to the United States.”
 air traffic services and infrastructure. “At lower power levels, as proposed in the U.S., data shows there will be aviation impacts. Now consider the impacts at a much greater scale.”
Source: NBAA
Canadian Business Organizations Request Restoration of NEXUS and FAST
In early November, over 50 Canadian business organizations signed a letter to the Hon. Marco Mendicino, P.C., M.P. Minister of Public Safety of Canada and the Hon. Alejandro Mayorkas, U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security requesting that the two countries “demonstrate the creativity and commitment to urgently resolve the outstanding issues” to reopen NEXUS and the Free and Secure Trade (FAST) programs.
Over two decades ago, the Prime Minister of Canada and the President of the United States announced NEXUS – a safe and secure way for citizens of both countries to cross the border more securely and efficiently by “pre-clearing” them.
The letter states that both “the Canadian and American economies have benefited enormously from the expedited and enhanced security protocols.” Trusted Traveler programs like NEXUS and the FAST program have “allowed citizens and goods to pass across our shared border more efficiently at the same time as they enhanced security by allowing government border security resources to be deployed where they are most needed, focusing on unknown people and goods, as opposed to hindering low-risk travelers and carriers at our borders.”
In 2019 U.S. tourists visiting Canada reached 25 million and Canadians took 44 million trips to the United States. KA

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