Page 18 - Volume 13 Number 2
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provided, that the relative angle between the tracks is less than 90 degrees; b) 14 nm provided the relative angle between the tracks is less than 45 degrees; and c) Opposite-direction aircraft on reciprocal tracks may be cleared to climb or descend to or through the levels occupied by another aircraft provided that the aircraft have reported by ADS-B having passed each other by 5 nm.”
The bulletin also stated that “a trial implementation of lateral ASEPS will start no earlier than six months after the beginning of the longitudinal separation operational trial.”
To be eligible to participate in the trial, aircraft must be RVSM/HLA approved, ADS-B equipped with dedicated 1090-Mhz Out capability, and meet RNP 4, RCP 240 and RSP 180 specifications.
Starting simultaneously with the ASEPS trial will be changes to contingency and weather and weather deviation procedures for NAT operators, which were outlined in NATS Bulletin 2018-05. The revised procedures apply when there is an inability to comply with the assigned clearance due to weather; diversion across the prevailing traffic flow; loss of, or significant
reduction in, the required navigation capability; or pressurization failure.
EASA Issues NPA Regarding Runway Safety
The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) issued a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPA) fo- cused on runway safety, focusing primarily on preventing runway incursions and excursions and reporting runway surface condi- tions. It also touches on ground collisions, runway confusion, for- eign object damage and related occurrences, as well as runway pavement maintenance.
The proposed rule would change the operation and conformance of vehicles and their drivers in air- craft movement areas, and new requirements for assessing and reporting runway surface condi- tions, snow control plans, airport maintenance, aircraft towing, and performance standards for run- way surface-friction measurement devices. This latter requirement also provides for alignment with ICAO recommendations as regards runway surface condition assess- ment and reporting which will be applicable worldwide by November 2020.
Comments on the NPA are due March 18. KA