Page 19 - feb25
P. 19
Note: This schedule is subject to change after publication. Visit for times, additional details and the most up-to-date itinerary.
Tuesday, March 18
Transportation provided from Cutter Aviation PHX to the Sheraton Phoenix Downtown
Wednesday, March 19
Transportation provided from Cutter Aviation PHX to the Sheraton Phoenix Downtown
High Altitude Chamber all-day session *extra fee & limited availability
Evening welcome reception
Thursday, March 20
Breakfast with sponsors
Sponsor exhibits
Opening remarks from King Air Nation
Session: King Air Incidents with Peter Basile
Companions: Ground school & lunch
Session: Anatomy of King Air Phases KAN 145 with Travis Lamance
Break with sponsors
Session: Understanding the PT6A in YOUR King Air with Pratt & Whitney
Lunch with sponsors
Shuttle to FBO for King Air displays and demonstrations, including:
What is a complete preflight with Zach Cleaver & Tom Clements
On-aircraft look at maintenance with Travis Lamance & Dean Benedict
Companions: Jewelry-making party Cocktail hour
Dinner and King Air Awards
Friday, March 21
Breakfast with sponsors
Sponsor exhibits
Companions: Visit Desert Botanical Gardens
Session: Looking from the “other” side: How FAA/ Tracon/ATC views you with Bruce Reins
Session: Pilot expectations of engine rigging with Paul Sneeden
Break with sponsors
Session: The King Air pressure vessel and how it is architected with Tom Clements
Lunch with sponsors
Looking at the weather vs planning with Zach Cleaver
Companions: Scottsdale Wine Walk Tour
Keynote: Millicent Hill, NTSB
Break with sponsors
Cocktail hour
King Air Hall of Fame Awards, dinner and live auction
Saturday, March 22
Transportation provided from Sheraton Phoenix Downtown to Cutter Aviation PHX