Page 32 - Volume 14 Number 1
P. 32
Rockwell Collins Part Number
Applicable to Serial Numbers
Production Installed Serial Numbers
Production Installed But Not Marked Serial Numbers
4C095L and below
4K327K and above
4C095N thru 4K327J
From Multi-Engine Turboprop Communiqué ME-TP-0018
Dated: December 2019
ATA 21 – King Air Cabin Air Exchange Rate
Questions related to the cabin air exchange rate for the King Air 200 and B300 series have been received from ambulance platforms.
The maximum cabin exchange rate for the King Air 200/B200/300 is up to 24 times per hour. The cabin exchange rate for the B300 models is up to 21 times per hour with the flow packs set in the NORMAL rate.
ATA-31 Pro Line Fusion® Adaptive Flight Display (AFD) 3700 Release of Collins Service Bulletin 4
Collins Aerospace has released Service Bulletin (SB) AFD-3700-31-4 (523-0826373) for the AFDs installed in all Pro Line Fusion equipped King Air models. This SB replaces the A1 circuit card assembly which has been found to cause intermittent blanking as well as several other spurious faults in some AFDs. This modification is covered by Collins for all units currently under Collins 5-year warranty. Textron Aviation recommends that operators have their AFDs updated at their earliest opportunity for increased system reliability. For Phase 1 and 2 aircraft we suggest getting this SB complied with during the Phase 3 software update (see ATA 34 in the Communique). Collins warranty coverage under this SB expires June 1, 2021. This SB was installed in Collins AFD production at serial numbers shown below. If you have had an AFD replaced recently, any exchange AFDs from Collins should also have the SB complied with. If your AFD serial number is prior to the production cut below, you can verify compliance by inspecting the AFD dataplate. If this SB has been complied with, MODS block 4 will be marked out as shown on the photo above. If your AFDs require this modification, please schedule them in advance through your service center as the
current turn time is about 10 business days once the AFD is received by Collins. Unscheduled requests for the modification could take longer if the backlog is high.
ATA 32 – Main Landing Gear Static Wick Removal Kit 300/B300
Textron Aviation Engineering has developed a kit to remove the static wick from the main landing gear installed between the wheels on the King Air 300 and B300. The kit part number is 130-3095-0001 for the King Air 300 and B300 with the standard gear and 130- 3095-0003 for the B300 for the Heavy Weight models. The kits are available from Textron Aviation Parts and Distribution.
ATA 34 – SAIB – Navigation: Transponder System Fusion-Equipped King Airs
The FAA released an SAIB on December 5, 2019 in reference to TDR -94 and TDR -94D ATC/Mode S Transponders. At this time, the airworthiness is not an unsafe condition that would warrant an Airworthiness Directive. You can read the SAIB in its entirety on the FAA website.
The Bulletin Number is SAIB: CE-19-19. You can locate the SAIB on the website under Special Airworthiness Information Bulletins.
ATA-34 Pro Line Fusion Upgrade to Phase 3 software
Textron Aviation recently released Service Bulletin 34-4171 to provide instructions to upgrade Pro Line Fusion Phase 1 and 2 aircraft to Phase 3 software.