Page 40 - Volume 10 Number 7
P. 40
Service Bulletins Issued: June 2016
Effectivity: Model King Air C90GTi, serial numbers LJ-1847, LJ-1848, LJ-1853 through LJ-2059, LJ-2061 through LJ-2126.
Compliance – Recommended: This service bulletin should be accomplished at a scheduled maintenance period or inspection. A service bulletin published by Textron Aviation may be recorded as completed in an aircraft log only when the following requirements are satisfied: 1) The mechanic must complete all of the instructions in the service bulletin, including the intent therein. 2) The mechanic must correctly use and install all applicable parts supplied with the service bulletin kit. Only with written authorization from Textron Aviation can substitute parts or rebuilt parts be used to replace new parts. 3) The mechanic or airplane owner must use the technical data in the service bulletin only as approved and published. 4) The mechanic or airplane owner must apply the information in the service bulletin only to aircraft serial numbers identified in the Effectivity section of the bulletin. 5) The mechanic or airplane owner must use maintenance practices that are identified as acceptable standard practices in the aviation industry and governmental regulations.
Reason: A hose in the pilot’s static system has the potential for moisture accumulation in an area that cannot drain.
Warranty: Eligible airplanes may qualify for parts and labor coverage to the extent noted in the Labor Hours and Material Availability sections of the document.
Labor: Modification and Inspection 8.0 Labor Hours From King Air Communiqué 2016-05
Issued: May 2016
ATA 20 – Leading Edge Erosion Tape
The King Air leading edges are protected from erosion by a protective tape or abrasion resistant spray coating.
Installation procedures for both are found in the King Air Standard Practices Manual (20-08-00-201). This protective tape comes in different widths to fit in the different areas of the airframe.
Editor’s Note: Communiqué 2016-05 has a list that shows the different tapes available from Textron Aviation Parts Distribution (TAPD).
ATA 31 – Fusion Equipped King Air USB Device Requirements
Fusion equipped King Airs require periodic database and software updates. On airplanes without the IMS 3500 system, this is performed through the USB port on the AFD 3700 displays. The port on the AFD 3700 is compliant to USB 2.0 standards. The Rockwell Collins airplane maintenance manual excerpt shown below, currently calls for a USB 2.0 or equivalent device formatted with FAT 32. Collins has provided additional clarification that a version 3.0 USB device is an acceptable equivalent as long as it is USB 2.0 compatible and has a capacity between 4Gb and 32Gb. Collins will be adding clarification to the reference below in a future update to the manual.
TASK 31-60-01-470-802 2. Creating USB Media
A. Tools and Equipment
NOTE: Equivalent item can be used.
ATA 32 – Main Landing Gear Drag Leg “Un-Locking” After Extension
Operators have contacted Textron Aviation Technical Support to report that after approximately 30 minutes or so, the main landing gear drag leg dog bone is moving away from its stop. This gives the impression that the drag leg locking mechanism has become “un-locked”.
During a normal extension of the landing gear, the dog bone contacts the stop to push the landing gear into the down and locked position. When the downlock hooks
Service Bulletin 34-4163: Navigation – Static System Improvement
Part Number
Commercially Available
Microsoft Windows 7 Personal Computer (PC) with CD-ROM Drive and USB Port
Commercially Available
USB 2.0 Compatible Flash Drive (empty), formatted with FAT 32, 4Gb capacity or larger
JULY 2016