Page 16 - Volume 11 Number 7
P. 16

Ask the Expert
Kiss your King Air?
by Tom Clements
As I was trying to come up with a topic for this month’s article, I happened to read the “Waypoints” column in the June 2017 issue of AOPA Pilot magazine, written by Thomas B. Haines, the editor-in-chief. It tells of an incident in his 1972 Bonanza A36 in which he aborted a flight and taxied back to the avionics shop since the airspeed readouts – both on the Garmin G500, as well as on the backup display – were both reading a little less than 60 knots ... and he surely wasn’t taxiing that fast! In fact, they kept reading that speed even when parked. It took the shop owner significant time to remedy the situation before Mr. Haines could depart. I think I could have saved them time and worry had I been there!
You see, I have seen this exact situation quite a few
times in King Airs. It can happen when the airplane has
sat outside in a windy rainstorm ... as had happened to
Mr. Haines before he tried to depart. The static ports
on the aft fuselage – one or two per side, depending on  both side’s ports before moving forward in a single
your serial number – are connected by plastic tubing that then is routed up to the top of the fuselage from
What Is the Difference
Between the G & D Aero Tinted Window Insert and the Polaroid Interior Window Insert?
The $$$$$ Cost
With the G & D Aero tinted window you have full time protection against the sun and the ability to keep your passengers cool and comfortable. No need to make any adjustments to the windows because the inserts work full time.
JULY 2017

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