Page 34 - Volumer 13 Number 7
P. 34
= 1985: British Airways displays a Concorde supersonic airliner
= 1992: EAA launches “Young Eagles” program with initial flights during the convention
= 1994: A salute to the Apollo moon landing program draws 15 of the program’s surviving 25 astronauts to celebrate the 25th anniversary of man’s first landing on the moon in July 1969
= 2003: Airbus displays an A300-600ST Super Transporter, also known as the Airbus Beluga
= 2005: The world’s first successful, private-
built spaceship, SpaceShipOne, winner of the $10-million Ansari X-Prize, displayed along with its carrier aircraft, WhiteKnight
= 2009: WhiteKnightTwo lands at Oshkosh for its public unveiling, along with the Airbus A380 – the world’s largest airliner
= 2012: EAA inaugurates “Eagle Flights” program aimed at introducing adults to personal flying
= 2014: The United States Air Force’s “Thunderbirds” aerial demonstration team makes it first appearance at AirVenture
= 2016: Actor and pilot Harrison Ford makes the two-millionth Young Eagles flight during AirVenture
= 2017: The United States Navy’s “Blue Angels” precision flight team flies at Oshkosh for the first time
= 2017: EAA observed the 25th anniversary of the Young Eagles program
= 2017: The recently rebuilt Boeing B-29, Doc, was on display and flew in formation with Fifi – the only other airworthy B-29 in the world.
= 2017: The convention site received a number
of important upgrades that included electrical power available in the main campground, the Vintage Red Barn was enlarged and a permanent pavilion built for the experimental aircraft camping area.
2019 EAA AirVenture Oshkosh
This year EAA’s AirVenture Oshkosh is July 22 through July 28 with 1,000 forums and hands-on workshops scheduled.
Other noteworthy items include:
= A gathering of North American P-51 Mustang fighters in honor of World War II ace Bud Anderson, credited with shooting down 16 German aircraft
= A “Year of the Fighter” program will feature the F-15, F-16, F-22 and F-35 jets
= U.S. Navy Vought F4U-series fighters will be the centerpiece of a special exhibition
= Observance of the 75th anniversary of the D-Day invasion of France that occurred June 6, 1944
The AirVenture site at Oshkosh can accommodate more than 800 exhibitors of aircraft, engines, avionics and aftermarket equipment. The world’s major airframe and engine manufacturers are well represented at the event. (Courtesy EAA)
JULY 2019