Page 16 - Volume 12 Number 6
P. 16
Ask the Expert
Pressurization Basics
by Tom Clements
Ikeep observing a disturbing lack of knowledge and understanding of an aircraft’s pressurization system. Let me try to set the record straight ... or at least straighten it out a little bit. I will use the numbers associated with a member of the King Air B200-series. However, what I write, with minor modifications, will apply to any pressurized airplane.
Differential Pressure (∆P, “Delta P”)
Differential Pressure is simply the difference between inside and outside absolute pressures. In engineering parlance, the Greek letter Delta, ∆, is commonly used to indicate the difference between two measurements. So, expressed as a formula, ∆P = PCABIN – PAMBIENT.
If a positive amount of ∆P exists, the airplane is pressurized with more pressure inside than outside ... just like a party balloon. The doors and windows are trying to be pushed open and the structures must be strong enough to withstand these forces. This is the reason why pressurized airplanes are heavier than their unpressurized predecessors.
So, like that party balloon, we push more air in than is let out and the airplane becomes pressurized, right? When doing a test in the maintenance run-up area, yes, that is correct. In a great majority of our flights, however, it doesn’t work that way. In most cases, we set the pressurization controller for a cabin altitude that is higher than the field elevation from which we departed, right? And then after takeoff the cabin is climbing to that altitude, right? Well anytime the cabin is climbing it is decreasing its pressure and the fixed-volume cabin is therefore losing air, not gaining air. The pressure inside the cabin is indeed decreasing but why we are getting pressurized is because it is not decreasing as fast as the ambient pressure outside the cabin.
Here’s an example: Let’s say we depart from sea level and the cabin climbs to 10,000 feet while the airplane climbs to 25,000 feet. PCABIN goes from 14.7 psia (SL) to 10.1 psia (10,000 feet) but PAMBIENT goes from 14.7 psia (SL) to 5.5 psia (25,000 feet). So ∆P went from 0 psid (14.7 – 14.7) to 4.6 psid (10.1 – 5.5).
In a King Air B200 (as well as in all of the 300-series), the maximum certified ∆P is 6.5 psid (Pounds per Square Inch Differential). As in everything that is mechanical in nature, there must be some tolerance and the allowable tolerance in maximum ∆P is plus or minus 0.1 psid. In other words, when running on the maximum ∆P relief, any ∆P between 6.4 and 6.6 means that your King Air is
doing what it was designed to do. Of course, Beechcraft marketeers, seeing that the Maximum maximum is 6.6, were quick to put that figure in the sales brochures.
The Pressurization Controller
The purpose of the pressurization controller is merely to be a governor of cabin altitude. Within its capabilities it will make the cabin climb or descend to a newly- selected cabin altitude value at the rate the rate knob is set for and then keep the cabin at that altitude the best it can. Just like a propeller governor cannot always maintain the selected RPM – for example, propeller speed decreases on landing as the governor causes the blades to flatten as far as they can go – likewise the pressurization controller cannot always maintain the selected cabin altitude. Two things will prevent this: First, the cabin can never be higher than the airplane. That would cause a negative differential pressure – ∆P would be a negative number since PCABIN is less than PAMBIENT – and negative ∆P is prevented by dedicated relief valve portions contained identically within both the outflow and safety valves. Second, the cabin cannot maintain the selected altitude if doing so would cause maximum attainable ∆P to be exceeded. That “maximum attainable ∆P” is often not the maximum certified ∆P, as I will explain.
To maintain the cabin at any selected altitude, all that must occur is for total air mass inflow to equal total air mass outflow. In the B200, as in most all pressurized airplanes, the incoming flow is regulated to be as constant as possible and all control of cabin altitude and rates of climb and descent are accomplished by varying the outflow through the outflow valve. Of course, what exits through the outflow valve is not the total outflow ... we must consider the contributions of all the little and big leaks. Here’s where the conceptualization gets tricky. How much mass flow exits through the leaks depends upon ∆P. If there is a low ∆P, then the “push” that causes air to flow through the leak hole is small and hence the flow is small. But when ∆P is large, then the mass flow across the leak is also large, even though the leak size has not changed.
Let me apply some numbers to an example. Suppose that both the left and right inflow systems – the Bleed Air Flow Control Packages, or Flow Packs – were pumping in seven pounds per minute (ppm) of air, for a total of 14 ppm. To keep the cabin from climbing or descending, a total outflow of 14 ppm must be taking place. If, at 6.5 psid, the leaks accounted for a total of five ppm, that
JUNE 2018