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And it didn’t end there. I found an instance where the shop charged 3.5 hours in labor to change the O­rings at the brake bleeder valves. This is a five­minute task once the mechanic has the parts in hand, so I questioned the 3.5 hours of labor. They said “Well, the guys had to bleed the brake lines.” So, I pointed out a previous squawk where they replaced the master brake cylinder on that side and had charged plenty of hours to cover bleeding the system.
Eventually the labor for the bleeder valve O­rings was removed. There were other instances along those lines where I refuted excessive labor charges. I also sourced parts with better pricing and stuck
my nose in a number of places where it probably was not wanted. I think I reviewed no less than a dozen versions of the invoice before it was finalized. It was a brutal job, but in the end, my client was happy. The seller, their pilot and their broker all agreed that they couldn’t have achieved the end result without my assistance. So, there are times where it pays to have someone in your corner.
The Bottom Line
I’m not trying to make an A&P out of anyone reading these Maintenance Tip articles. My goal has always been to help King Air pilots and owners become better informed about the maintenance needs of their King Air. Of course, safety is No. 1 – always and forever. But spending your maintenance dollar wisely comes in second. Where possible, I’m looking out for your bottom line.
I hate to speak ill of any shop because I know how difficult it is to succeed in this business. One of my longtime customers (a Duke owner still flying the aircraft he purchased from BeechWest in Van Nuys over 40 years ago) told me over and over, “Dean, if aircraft maintenance was easy, everybody would be doing it.”
Trust me, it’s not easy. When you find a good shop – and they are out there – be nice, be patient, and you’ll get the same treatment in return. They will work with you to achieve the safest and best result while doing everything in their power to control your costs.
JUNE 2019
Later, when someone admires your King Air and asks where you go for maintenance, tell them. KA
Dean Benedict is a certified A&P, AI with nearly 45 years’ experience in King Air maintenance. He’s the founder and former owner of Honest Air Inc., a “King Air maintenance boutique” (with some Dukes and Barons on the side). In his new venture, BeechMedic LLC, Dean consults with King Air owners and operators on all things King Air related: maintenance, troubleshooting, pre-buys, etc. He can be reached at or (702) 773-1800.
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