Page 6 - Volume 13 Number 6
P. 6

 The 1999 King Air B200 that Northside Hay Company used for over six years and about 1,000 hours.
   The owners of that Beechcraft King Air 350 were thrilled and thankful, as Clements along with Chip McClure encouraged them to be among the first King Air 350 owners to take advantage of the new Blackhawk XP67A Engine+ upgrade that replaced PT6A­60As with Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A­67A engines, producing 1,050 SHP up to 25,000 feet, paired with 5­blade natural composite MT Propellers with spinners.
The Petznick family had been working with McClure of Jet Acquisitions to find their next King Air. Their King Air journey began in 2007 with co­ownership of a 2001 King Air C90, then in 2011 they bought a 1999 King Air B200. After six years, they were ready for a faster aircraft and a more comfortable double club interior. They purchased a 2008 King Air 350, serial number FL­602, in 2018 and soon sent it to Stevens Aviation in Nashville, Tennessee.
Clements, a friend of the Petznick family from his early days of managing and flying their King Air C90, has been an adviser on each move they made up the King Air line. He told them he thought Blackhawk’s latest STC would be one of its most successful King Air upgrades. He and McClure also encouraged the Petznicks to consider combining the engine upgrade with installing the new Garmin G1000 NXi flight deck, replacing the original Collins Pro Line 21 system which would need modernization to comply with ADS­B and to mate with the new engines. 
JUNE 2019

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