Page 18 - June 2022
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  give his presentation “Misunderstood Systems” to the entire audience remotely and IT WORKED. After Tom’s presentation, Rob Winchcomb, Pratt & Whitney YouTube sensation for PT6A engine rigging (check out his videos) shared his insight.
The day could not have ended any better than with our guest speaker, Hoot Gibson. As a naval aviator, test pilot, five-time U.S. astronaut, four-time shuttle commander, F-4 and F-14 fighter pilot, Reno Air Races Unlimited Gold Champion and a hell of a nice guy, we were honored to have him as our final speaker. His recap of flight in space and docking with the Russian Space Station Mir were riveting and led one member of the audience to ask, “Hoot, have you ever done anything boring in your life?” I think Hoot actually had to stop and think.
In closing, King Air Gathering 2022 was a great success. Sponsors, attendees, speakers and museum personnel all had wonderful things to say about the event. The most asked question: When and where is the next King Air Gathering?
Stay tuned for that! KA
Kevin Carson is an A&P and manages the King Air Academy in Phoenix, Arizona, having flown about every King Air model and Beechcraft from T-34s, Bonanzas and Barons for over 30 years. He has been the lead for planning the King Air Gathering since its inception, and is happily transferring organization of the event to King Air Nation. Kevin can be reached at: or (602) 551-8100. To learn more about the King Air Academy, go to
  Cessna Piston Twins
JUNE 2022

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