Page 23 - March 2015 Volume 9, Number 3
P. 23
TSO High Altitude FAA Approved Mask
with comfort fit headgear
King Air Replacement Mask Carbon Fiber
anything more than 20 seconds is information to aid in your
probably sufficient to clear most of the residual fuel that did not already exit the engine via the forward and aft case drains. By the way, these case drains dump right onto the ramp. They aren’t involved with any EPA-mandated collector/purge system. Also, if the engine did in fact receive fuel during the first start attempt, there will be a distinct kerosene odor prevalent outside near the engine and the exhaust stacks will likely be damp with kerosene residue. If none of these signs are present, it probably was not an ignition problem after all, but a lack-of-fuel problem.
Since the clearing procedure used some or all of our second allowed starter usage time, now we need to wait for another mandated cooling period, then try again, presuming we have a good handle on knowing why the first attempt was unsuccessful and with the correct solution now having been applied.
You see, therefore, that we cannot do three starting attempts and comply with the starter time limits. No, it’s two attempts with an engine clearing procedure in the middle. If there’s no luck on that second attempt, you’ll need the 30-minute cooling period anyway while you get on the phone and find a mechanic, or perhaps replace the ignitors yourself. (You do carry a spare ignitor or two with you, and the simple tools needed, right? Yes, this is something a pilot may legally do.)
In some future articles I will be discussing other important airplane limitations to remind you of their importance and to present some background
MARCH 2015
understanding. I hope you’ll find it worthwhile. Meanwhile, remember to send any ques- tions or topics that you’d like me to address to Kim Blonigen, our editor. KA
About the Author: King Air expert Tom Clements has been flying and instructing in King Airs for over 41 years, and is the author of “The King Air Book.” He is a Gold Seal CFI and has over 22,500 total hours, with more than 15,000 in King Airs. For information on ordering “The King Air Book,” go to
If you have a question you’d like Tom to answer, please send it to Editor Kim Blonigen at
Phone (800) 237-6902