Page 15 - Volume 12, Number 3
P. 15

ADS-B, ATC and the NBAA’s Top Safety Focus Areas for 2018
ADS-B News
The FAA issued Docket No.: FAA-2017-1194, Change to Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast Services which announces changes in ADS-B services, including Traffic Information Service Broadcast (TIS-B) for a small number of aircraft. The FAA is implementing a filter for certain ADS-B equipped aircraft broadcasting erroneous or improper information when the broadcast information could affect the safe provision of air traffic services. Any aircraft subject to the filter will not have its ADS-B information sent to an air traffic control (ATC) facility nor will the aircraft be a client for TIS–B services. Affected aircraft will continue to receive ATC services within radar coverage using secondary radar information.
The filter was implemented on affected aircraft beginning on January 2, 2018. For those aircraft that already have ADS-B installed, operators should check to ensure that the ICAO address code (Mode S code) broadcast by their ADS–B equipment matches the
assigned ICAO address code for their aircraft. This ICAO address code (Mode S code) can be found at: aircraftinquiry/NNum_Inquiry. aspx. Operators can verify what ICAO address code is being broadcast by their aircraft by visiting: https:// PAPRRequest.aspx. Owners and operators whose aircraft are affected by application of the ICAO address filter must contact the FAA Flight Standards Service ADS-B Focus Team at for guidance on corrective actions and coordination for removal of aircraft from the ICAO address filter.
Also, in one of its latest SatNav News publications, the FAA discussed some informative points and gave websites that may be of interest to operators regarding ADS-B:
The Airspace You Fly Reveals the Type of Equipment You Need – If you’re flying in Class A airspace, you will need a 1090 megahertz extended squitter (ES)
by Kim Blonigen
MARCH 2018

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