Page 21 - Volume 14 Issue 3
P. 21
FAA and Industry Working Group Issue Recommendations to Streamline LOA for Part 91 Operators
The General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA) and the FAA Flight Technologies and Procedures Divisions co-led an aviation industry/FAA working group which issued a final report to the FAA with recommendations to streamline and expedite the current process of issuing Letters of Authorization (LOA) for Part 91 operators.
The NBAA participated in the working group and reported the group concluded that “Streamlining the process for the most requested authorizations by Part 91 operators would reduce demand on the FAA and produce the largest benefit for the business aviation industry while maintaining the safety of the largest aerospace system in the world.”
“Each Part 91 LOA application requires a review and approval of three essential elements: aircraft capability, pilot training and an operator’s procedures,” said NBAA Director, Flight Operations and Regulations, Brian Koester, CAM. “The working group identified key areas for improvement that would offer authorizing FAA inspectors an alternate, streamlined method to review and issue a letter of authorization. We are excited about the changes to come and look forward to working
with the FAA to ensure these recommendations are introduced smoothly and quickly.”
The report contained six recommendations which were:
1. GAMA should develop an Aircraft Statement of Capability template and release it online for use by aircraft manufacturers free of charge.
2. Aircraft manufacturers should develop Aircraft Statement of Capability documents using the industry template.
3. Manufacturers providing an Aircraft Statement of Capability also should establish a process to maintain and update the document.
4. TheFAAshouldconsidertheaircraftmake,model and series, serial number or operator name rather than an aircraft’s registration number when reviewing a Part 91 operator’s application.
5. TheFAAshouldcreateand/orupdateallguidance material necessary to create a new LOA Training Statement of Compliance form for international operations training providers.
6. The FAA should develop an additional process to provide a statement of compliance for vendors that sell International Operating Manuals to Part 91 operators.
Initially, the recommendations will apply only to new aircraft delivered to operators once the new policies have been implemented. KA
MARCH 2020