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downwind due to straight-in traffic. Don’t hesitate, just push the power levers up to the magic number, hold altitude, and continue ahead. It is comforting to know that your use of the correct power setting will never allow the airspeed to stray too far from exactly what you want.
Well, there you have them: My top five King Air Gotchas. There are others, certainly, but of decreasing frequency of occurrence. As we know, the King Air is an easy-flying, forgiving airplane in almost all respects, yet it, too, has the capability to bite the unwary. Be safe! KA
King Air expert Tom Clements has been flying and instructing in King Airs for over 44 years, and is the author of “The King Air Book.” He is a Gold Seal CFI and has over 23,000 total hours with more than 15,000 in King Airs. For information on ordering his book, contact Tom direct at
Tom is actively mentoring the instructors at King Air Academy in Phoenix.
If you have a question you’d like Tom to answer, please send it to Editor Kim Blonigen at
MAY 2018