Page 36 - Volume 10 Number 11
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Western Aircraft named Authorized Service Facility for King Air
Western Aircraft, Inc. of Boise, Idaho announced that Textron Aviation Inc. has designated it as an authorized service facility for several models across the Beechcraft and Cessna platforms, including the King Air 90 series, King Air 200/250 series, and King Air 300/350 series aircraft.
In addition to the Authorized Service Facility designation, Western Aircraft has also been named a Textron Aviation Spare Parts Reseller. The agreement includes parts for all models of aircraft designed, manufactured and marketed by Textron Aviation under the tradenames and trademark of “Beechcraft” “Cessna” and “Hawker” aircraft.
sea level to its service ceiling of FL350 in as little as 18 minutes, whereas stock engines will take 45 minutes to make the same climb. Typical cruise speeds are increased by up to 37 KTAS and can settle in at up to 340 KTAS if an operator chooses to fly at maximum engine power limits. Operators looking for increased endurance and range can throttle back and extend capabilities due to better specific fuel consumption ratings.
Precertification orders are now being accepted for the XP67A. A $50,000 refundable deposit will secure an initial delivery position and lock in a precertification pricing rebate. Blackhawk has contracted with Pratt & Whitney to offer the XP67A under the Converter Exchange Program (CEP) and requires the core PT6A- 60A engines to be returned. Qualifying core engines will be issued credit at $70 per hour/per engine for time remaining to the 3600 TBO. Contact Blackhawk for pricing details, credits and rebates specific to your King Air 350.
A worldwide network of approved dealers and service support centers complements Blackhawk’s U.S. facilities, including recently added Hampton Aviation located in western Arkansas. For more information, visit www.
Fusion-equipped Beechcraft King Air models certified in Brazil
Beechcraft Corporation, a subsidiary of Textron Aviation Inc., announced it has received certification from Brazil’s Agência Nacional de Aviação Civil (ANAC) for its line of Pro Line Fusion-equipped Beechcraft King Air turboprop aircraft with cabin enhancements. Deliveries into the Latin American region are imminent, beginning with a King Air 250.
Pro Line Fusion avionics systems are standard equipment on all current production models of the King Air: King Air C90GTx, King Air 250 and King Air 350i/ER.
Blackhawk Announces Updates for the
Blackhawk Modifications, Inc. released progress updates for their new King Air 350 XP67A ENGINE+ UPGRADE program in an announcement from company officials. The program charges forward after the submission of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) flight test plan, and FAA flight testing will begin once approval has been received. Blackhawk anticipates testing to begin in November, and the finalized STC to be received in May of 2017.
The Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) in development by Blackhawk will allow the installation and operation of the Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A- 67A 1200 SHP engine to replace the factory standard PT6A-60A 1050 SHP engines on the King Air 350 model. The higher horsepower engine will require a more robust propeller assembly than what the PT6A-60A currently turns. Working closely with MT Propeller, the companies have developed a migration path. If a King Air 350 has the five blade composite propellers currently installed, MT has agreed to exchange the hubs and spinners to ensure compatibility with the PT6A-67A engines for a small fee. They will also reset the propeller warranty to two years in order to provide coverage for XP67A operators.
Performance results continue to exceed expectations. In hot climate conditions, the XP67A will climb from

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