Page 5 - Volume 15 Number 11
P. 5

 A Better Way
From reinventing life-saving equipment to using bizav to build a business, this former Special Forces medic fulfills his mission.
by MeLinda Schnyder
When you think about what a Green Beret does in his free time, you likely don’t envision him sewing in his garage. But that’s exactly where you’d find Ross Johnson in the evenings when he was on active duty as a member of the U.S. Army Special Forces.
While serving three tours in Afghanistan, John- son found that many of the Army issued medical devices used most often in the field hadn’t been updated in decades. He was determined to improve these tools, making fellow soldiers’ jobs safer and easier while improving their chances of saving lives.
The tourniquet he designed – and made by hand in his garage after teaching himself to sew – became so popular that the Army let him end his service early after 12 years of active duty so he could keep up with demand and apply his expertise and innovation to other medical devices.

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