Page 20 - Volume 15 Number 9
P. 20

  Icing in Flight
Part 2
by Tom Clements
Last month in my article regarding how to configure your King Air for in-flight icing encounters, I started reviewing the number of switches or push-pull controls that must be activated in icing conditions according to your POM/POH.
To review, there are two or four switches to the left of the pilot’s control wheel: Two Engine Auto-Ignition switches and, for the later models, two Engine Anti-Ice switches. On the subpanel to the right of the control wheel we find a bunch more: Two Pitot Heat switches, two Fuel Vent Heat switches and a single Stall Warning Heat switch make up five of the switches on the right
subpanel. These five switches have become known as the “Hot Five” and many King Air pilots operate them all the time when airborne, turning them on at “Runway Lineup” and off in the “After Landing” procedure. I have no complaint whatsoever with this process. However, I personally don’t do it. It’s not a POH procedure but rather comes from FlightSafety and U.S. Army training

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