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From Multi-Engine Prop Communiqué MT-TP-0020 Issued: June 2020 ATA 25 – AmSafe Crew Seat Belts Connector Web Slide Insert Aircraft equipped with AmSafe Crew Seat Belts AmSafe has issued Service Letter SL279213 to call attention to the belt connector half assembly tongue web slide where the web slide has been found to be cracked, damaged…

Lofty Literature

Are you experiencing less or no flying and far more sitting around these days? Certainly, one upside of pandemic requirements for a slower paced existence is more time to catch up on your aviation reading (as much for pleasure as for study). If you cannot fly enough to fill your aviation needs or are experiencing…

Avoiding a Coronavirus Currency Crisis – Tips to Ward Off the Rust

Avoiding a Coronavirus Currency Crisis – Tips to Ward Off the Rust

As both an airline pilot and an active general aviation pilot, maintaining my various legal currency requirements to act as pilot in command (PIC) has historically been relatively easy. My airline simulator training and checkride events suffice to meet my Biennial Flight Review (BFR), Instrument Proficiency Check (IPC), and my 90-day multi-engine landing requirements (as…

“Unable” by Deanna Wallace

“Unable” by Deanna Wallace

Air traffic controllers are a mystery to some. Through time and experience, most pilots become comfortable talking to air traffic control (ATC) and operating fully within the national airspace system. They adeptly navigate through normal and special use airspace, arrival and departure procedures and instrument approaches into airports. As pilots, we take pride in being…

What to Expect With Inspections

In the last few months, I’ve had several inquiries from King Air owners regarding high-cost maintenance invoices. Most of these guys are new to King Air ownership and their pilots (if they have one) are newbies too. Some sent me their shop invoices for review and I regret to say that I found examples of…

Aviation Organizations Group Together to Support Industry

Petition FCC to Reconsider 5G Network Approval A number of aviation industry groups filed a petition May 22, 2020, requesting the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) reconsider its April 20, 2020, approval of Ligado Networks’ (formerly LightSquared) nationwide 5G cellular service. It includes the company’s failure to sufficiently demonstrate its ability to act as a “good…


Service Letter MTL-34-01: Navigation – GPS-4000S Global Positioning System Software Update Issued: May 14, 2020 Effectivity: Beechcraft King Air 90 Series, serial numbers LJ-2151 through LJ-2173; Super King Air B200GT, serial numbers BY-324 through BY-379; Super King Air B300, serial numbers FL-1140 through FL-1222; and Super King Air B300/B300C, serial numbers FM-76 through FM-85 Reason: To correct…

Aircraft Insurance and Pandemics

Aircraft Insurance and Pandemics

Unprecedented times are upon us. In the past, King Air magazine has published dozens of articles on a variety of insurance topics. The content has revolved around experiences your fellow King Air operators have endured and we all have been able to learn from. Currently, the world is grappling to navigate COVID-19, which has sent…