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King Air B2000 Onshore Outsourcing Back in the U.S.A.

King Air B2000 Onshore Outsourcing Back in the U.S.A.

Onshore Outsourcing relies on King Air B200 to bringing IT jobs back onshore The King Air, our King Air, is essential to revitalizing rural America,” said Shane Mayes, founder and CEO of Onshore Outsourcing. That might sound like a brazen statement but Onshore Outsourcing has the business model and results to back it up: “Our…

Serving Those Who Served – Disabled Veterans

Serving Those Who Served – Disabled Veterans

Some 85 King Airs have flown the Disabled Veterans through Veterans Airlift Command The request from Veterans Airlift Command (VAC) was the kind that Jim Harris loves to say yes to. The organization needed him to fly the first leg of a trip that would take the wife of a wounded warrior from her home in…

Proving the ER in the King Air 350ER

Proving the ER in the King Air 350ER

Company pilots verify extended range with California-Hawaii flights Since the extended-range King Air 350ER was certified in 2007, Beechcraft has promoted it as a solution for government and private operators who need to get anywhere in the world without using cabin space for ferry fuel tanks and spending time making modifications or de-modifications. In September, two…