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Ask the Expert: Pitot Tube-Static System Abnormalities

When we were taking our first ground school lessons, we learned – among many other things – how static air pressure was sensed and used to operate the altimeter, vertical velocity indicator (VVI), and airspeed indicator. Of these three instruments, airspeed was the only one that required an additional input: ram air pressure as sensed…

Ask the Expert: Pressurization System Abnormalities

One of our readers suggested that I discuss some of the common failures that affect the King Air’s pressurization system. I am grateful for his idea and this article will address those abnormalities. Let me begin, however, by stating that the great majority of pressurization problems in King Airs are not the ones I will…

Ask the Expert: That Pesky Fuel Arm – Aircraft Weight and Balance

  Throughout my many years of conducting initial and recurrent King Air training courses, a topic that consistently stirs some consternation is the fuel calculations associated with the Aircraft Weight and Balance form. The problem arises because the fuel tanks in a King Air do not all reside at the same location in the wing.…

Ask the Expert: The Break System Deice Option

A rather popular optional break system that you will find installed in lots of King Airs is Brake Deice. This system is only offered on King Airs with dual main landing gear wheels, so you will never find it on a member of the 90-series, with the exception of the F90 group, since they, like their…

Don’t Lift the Power Levers in Flight!

  To the best of my knowledge, all King Air Pilot’s Operating Handbooks (POHs) have now been revised to include the following statement in the Limitations section: Do not lift the power levers in flight. Lifting the power levers in flight, or moving the power levers in flight below the flight idle position, could result…

Starter Time Limits

You memorized this during your Initial King Air training program, right? “Use of the starter is limited to 40 seconds ON, 60 seconds OFF, 40 seconds ON, 60 seconds OFF, 40 seconds ON, then 30 minutes OFF.” For the 300-series of King Airs, the limits are more restrictive: “Use of the starter is limited to…

Aviation Fuel Crossfeed… Why Can’t We Do It?!

Every Pilot’s Operating Handbook (POH) for the various King Air models contains a prohibition against using Aviation Fuel crossfeed except when one engine is inoperative. In the case of the A90, B90, and C90 variants, the POH also allows crossfeed when one side’s boost pump is inoperative. This prohibition means that we are not allowed…