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                 around the world who have used our courses to learn something new and pursue fulfilling aviation careers. That’s what keeps us going.”
John and Martha got their start traveling to far-flung cities and towns to conduct in-person ground school courses for aspiring private pilots. Today, King Schools is the world’s premiere supplier of print, video and computer-based instructional materials covering every aspect of flight training and safety both for written test preparation and guidance in practical flight operations. More than half of all pilots in the United States have used one or more King Schools courses as part of their aviation training.
The secret to King Schools’ longevity?
“When we paired up, we decided to be equal partners in everything we would do,” John says. “In 1974, that was probably a little unconventional or even revolutionary. But ever since then I have been struggling to be an equal partner to Martha. When it was apparent that Martha and I were serious about each other, Martha’s father told me that Martha was the most stubborn person he had ever known. I said, “I already know that.” I didn’t take it as stubbornness, but determination. I wanted to take full advantage of that, and as a result, the business has thrived. Fifty years later our partnership is still pretty unique, and that has been the key to our success.”
The overhead projectors and chalkboards in hotel conference rooms in the early days of traveling ground school soon gave way to video instruction – VHS cassettes and DVDs sent by snail mail, which brought John and Martha directly into learners’ homes, allowing learning pilots to study from the comfort of their living rooms. Early this century, the King Schools’ library moved online to streaming, making it even easier, more convenient and more cost-effective for the Kings to deliver instruction to anyone, anywhere, in any time zone.
John and Martha King have also written two books: “LIFT” in which they share their thoughts on entrepreneurship and “Sky Kings” which details their aviation adventures and wisdom gained by trial and error over the past 55+ years. They still fly their Falcon 10 jet themselves and maintain a busy schedule of conference appearances and talks, in addition to developing new courses.
And they continue to rake in the awards. Already inducted into the Flight Instructor Hall of Fame, the National Aviation Hall of Fame and the International Aviation Hall of Fame, last year they were welcomed into the Women in Aviation International’s Pioneer Hall of Fame with John being the first and only man to gain this distinction. Later this month they will be honored with the 2024 Richard G. McSpadden General Aviation Safety Award at AOPA’s Hoover awards reception. “This
recognition means so much to us, and we are deeply honored to be the first recipients,” Martha said. “Richard McSpadden was a great friend and teacher, and we all benefited from his incredible knowledge, openness and experience.”
King Schools has launched a year of celebration to mark the half-century milestone, which will include events, appearances and speeches, as well as special offers on King Schools courses and curricula. The website and King Schools’ social media sites will be regularly updated with details.
“In 2024, Nixon, Rubik, Skylab and John’s sideburns are long gone, but John and Martha King are still educating pilots with insights gained during a lifetime of learning and experience, delivered in their signature style with candor and humor,” CEO Knuttila said. “We’re not letting them retire quite yet – so watch to see what they’ll be up to during King Schools’ next 50 years.” KA
Source: King Schools
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 APRIL 2024

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