Page 24 - feb25
P. 24

  perform but all professional pilots do. Don’t neglect to cover what switches and buttons you might use as well as weather conditions you might encounter.
What briefings are needed?
Taxi brief: Brief the expected taxi route using your airport diagram. Both pilots should have the airport diagram displayed even at airports you are very familiar with. When you receive your taxi clearance, write it down and make sure both pilots fully understand the route noting any hot spots or runway crossings.
Takeoff and departure brief: Once you are at the runway, it’s time for the departure brief. Review the entire departure procedure and compare it to your navigation system. Make sure the procedure matches what is programmed. Next is the takeoff brief; it should include, but is not limited to, runway number and length, takeoff distance required, V1 and VR speeds, what you will reject the takeoff for, when you will continue the takeoff, takeoff alternate airports and route to get there if needed.
An example: “This is my takeoff. Prior to 80kts I will reject for any abnormality. Between 80 and V1/R I will reject for engine failure, engine fire or loss of directional control. After V1/R I will treat it as an inflight malfunction. I will return to runway XX or I will divert to XYZ airport, runway XX.” The last part – and arguably one of the most important elements – is asking, “Do you
have any questions?” Now is the time to speak up if you have any questions!
Arrival and approach brief: Ideally, the arrival brief should be accomplished prior to starting your descent. Now is the time to review the arrival you have been assigned and verify it is programmed correctly. Make sure you talk about routing, altitude restrictions and how you expect to get from the arrival to the approach (vectors, feeder leg, published heading to join the approach, etc.).

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