Blog : article

2025 King Air Market Report From a Buyer’s Rep Perspective

2025 King Air Market Report From a Buyer’s Rep Perspective

I must admit, it was tempting to pull out the article on the King Air market I wrote last year about this time, change the dates and submit! The reality is that not much has changed in the past year. We’ve seen some softness in the King Air 350 market, but other than that, if…

Are You a Stable Pilot?

Are You a Stable Pilot?

I believe we all have heard the term stabilized approach. But what is a stabilized approach and why should you practice it? One of the many aspects that makes the King Air appealing is that it is a forgiving airplane. This makes it a great platform to transition into from a slower, nonpressurized, reciprocating aircraft.…

Tax Planning: Charitable Flying

Tax Planning: Charitable Flying

Having been involved in the general aviation industry for over two decades, I have always recognized the positive contributions our industry provides to society. Whether it is responding to natural disasters, transporting veterans and ordinary folks needing medical treatments or relocating pets and wildlife – pilots and aircraft owners, fixed base operators and numerous other…

Power Rollback in a King Air?

Power Rollback in a King Air?

I think I’ve got the best career ever. I wake up every morning, go to the airport and fly some of the coolest airplanes on the planet. In a typical year, I’ll fly every variant of the Piper PA46, the Socata TBM and the Beechcraft King Air. Whether it’s initial or recurrent training, flying one…

Women’s History Month: Explore These Museums Honoring Female Aviators

Women’s History Month: Explore These Museums Honoring Female Aviators

Photos by MeLinda Schnyder The National Women’s History Alliance has established March as National Women’s History Month, with the goal of ensuring that women’s history remains visible, valued and celebrated for all generations. In honor of this year’s theme – “Moving forward together! Women educating & inspiring generations” – here are 13 destinations to find…

Reliable Relay – Belgian-based B200s provide television-relay services for global sporting events

Reliable Relay – Belgian-based B200s provide television-relay services for global sporting events

Jens Vanhoof likely has one of the most unique gigs among Beechcraft King Air pilots. The 38-year-old Belgian alternates between flying in circles for hours at a time and crossing the globe on ferry flights – all in support of bringing major sporting events to worldwide television audiences. WorldLinX operates two B200 aircraft with television-relay…

A Seemingly Simple Squawk – A trip down the troubleshooting trail

A Seemingly Simple Squawk – A trip down the troubleshooting trail

A customer called to say his R/H generator went offline mid-flight. He happened to have an F90, but this squawk could happen with any King Air. For troubleshooting purposes, I suggested he swap the generator control units to see if the problem went to the other side, and it did. I had an exchange GCU…

Five Reasons To Register for  King Air Gathering

Five Reasons To Register for King Air Gathering

There’s only one King Air Gathering The annual King Air Gathering is the only event of its kind dedicated to the Beechcraft King Air. Owners, operators, pilots, trainers, maintenance providers, FBOs, manufacturers and other industry folk gather in an intimate setting for learning, networking and socializing opportunities. KAG’s focus, size and format make this truly…

Pro Pilot vs. Owner Pilot

Pro Pilot vs. Owner Pilot

At King Air Academy, we see a wide range of pilots for training: pilots who just passed their multiengine checkride to pilots with thousands of hours in King Airs. Let’s look at what separates the owner-pilot from the professional pilot. Checklist use The first differentiator to jump out is checklist use. This truly separates professional…

Honoring 100 Years Since  Travel Air’s Founding

Honoring 100 Years Since Travel Air’s Founding

The pioneering airframe manufacturer began operations in 1925 and its legacy has greatly outlived its six-year lifespan. During a cold December in 1924, Walter H. Beech and Lloyd C. Stearman contemplated forming a new airplane company, but they needed help. They met with their friend Clyde V. Cessna, one of America’s true aviation pioneers, who…