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Value Added: Textron Aviation Adds Frankfurt-based MSU

Textron Aviation announced it has added a new mobile service unit (MSU) at Egelsbach Airport near Frankfurt, Germany. The new MSU further enhances the company’s factory-direct service offerings for Citation, King Air and Hawker operators in Germany and throughout Europe. The company’s newest MSU will be based at longtime partner Hahn Air’s Egelsbach facility (QEF).…

Technically… Service Bulletins

Service Bulletin 27-3459 Rev 1: Flight Controls – Flight Control (Gust) Lock Inspection/Replacement Issued (Original): September 2002 Revision: November 2016 Synopsis of Change: This Service Bulletin has been revised to add ending serial effectivity. The first paragraph of the Description statement has been moved to the Reason statement. The Material Information table has been revised…

Value Added: Nextant Introduces G90XT and  Newly Designed Cabin at NBAA 2016

Value Added: Nextant Introduces G90XT and Newly Designed Cabin at NBAA 2016

Nextant Aerospace introduced its fully conformed G90XT turboprop at NBAA 2016 in early November. The aircraft features the new H75 engine by GE in distinctive, redesigned nacelles; along with a forward looking, fully integrated Garmin G1000 cockpit and the world’s first electronically controlled, single lever control system in a turboprop. With the power of the…

AvFab Receives STC Approval On King Air ISR Operator Seat

Aviation Fabricators (AvFab) announced they have received Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) approval for the installation of their Beechcraft King Air ISR (Intelligence/Surveillance/Reconnaissance) Operator Seat for a variety of 90, 100, 200, 300/350 series model King Airs from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). AvFab’s King Air Operator Seat provides operator comfort from design features that include…

Jeppesen Previews SID/STAR Charts Improvements

Jeppesen recently gave a preview of changes to the company’s SID (standard instrument departure) and STAR (standard terminal arrival route) charts. According to the company, the improvements, which have been in the works for the past two years, are intended to help enhance pilots’ situational awareness. The redesign process included input from pilots and human…

Fusion-equipped Beechcraft King Air  models certified in Brazil

Fusion-equipped Beechcraft King Air models certified in Brazil

Beechcraft Corporation, a subsidiary of Textron Aviation Inc., announced it has received certification from Brazil’s Agência Nacional de Aviação Civil (ANAC) for its line of Pro Line Fusion-equipped Beechcraft King Air turboprop aircraft with cabin enhancements. Deliveries into the Latin American region are imminent, beginning with a King Air 250. Pro Line Fusion avionics systems…

Blackhawk Announces Updates for the  King Air 350 XP67A ENGINE+ UPGRADE

Blackhawk Announces Updates for the King Air 350 XP67A ENGINE+ UPGRADE

Blackhawk Modifications, Inc. released progress updates for their new King Air 350 XP67A ENGINE+ UPGRADE program in an announcement from company officials. The program charges forward after the submission of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) flight test plan, and FAA flight testing will begin once approval has been received. Blackhawk anticipates testing to begin in…

Western Aircraft named Authorized Service Facility for King Air

Western Aircraft, Inc. of Boise, Idaho announced that Textron Aviation Inc. has designated it as an authorized service facility for several models across the Beechcraft and Cessna platforms, including the King Air 90 series, King Air 200/250 series, and King Air 300/350 series aircraft. In addition to the Authorized Service Facility designation, Western Aircraft has…

New Procedures for SoCal Area Effective November 10

New Procedures for SoCal Area Effective November 10

Phase One of the Southern California Metroplex Project will begin on November 10, 2016. The Metroplex Project, approved in early September, is designed to enhance the safety and efficiency of the airspace in Southern California by utilizing performance-based navigation procedures, as well as optimizing the air traffic sectorization at the local FAA facilities. There is…

Unconventional Approach

Unconventional Approach

King Air Owner Makes His Way in Business and Aviation on His Own Terms The second landing Jay Vierling made in his newly purchased King Air C90B was at Narsarsuaq Airport (BGBW) in Greenland during the winter. As he describes it, the runway was uphill as well as snow and ice covered, with fjords on…